Theses and research internships
Here you can find our topic suggestions for a thesis and other scientific documents
Bachelor -/ Master Theses
Proposed topics for final theses by Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad and his Team from the Department of Marketing & Management of Renewable Resources
In addition to the topics listed here, you are also welcome to work on your own topics in our research fields mentioned. Please contact us by e-mail so that we can discuss your project.
The Topics are under construction. Please be a little patient. Thank you
If you are interesed in a topic, please contact the person via E-Mail
Market research and marketing in the agricultural and food industries
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
- Consumer interest in online recipe delivery services for food (e.g. HelloFresh, Kochzauber)
- Failure of new product launches in the food industry
- Which factors influence the success of companies in the food industry with product innovations?
- Structures and trends in food production and processing in China
- Food production and processing in one country in SO Asia (e.g. Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines)
- Perception of personalisation (e.g. personalised advertising, offers) in the food trade by online or offline buyers
- How well do approaches to reducing food waste (e.g. online platforms, “free shops”) work? Who uses these services and why?
- Consumers’ interest in food from alternative protein sources (e.g. vegetable proteins, insects, algae)
- How do refugees feed in Germany?
- Are there people in Germany who cannot afford full meals? How do people deal with them?
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein
- Who drinks coffee on the way? – User analysis
- Disposable vs. reusable packaging – Behaviour of buyers with food
- Traffic light labelling for food – consumer understanding
- The market for old cereals (e.g. quinoa, amaranth, teff, freekeh)
- List of ingredients and nutrition labelling – consumer knowledge and understanding
- Purchasing and storage behaviour of consumers in different life phases (e.g. singles, young families, older people)
- Food waste in private households – status quo and reduction measures
- Regional food – consumer understanding
- Target group analysis “Flexitarier”
- Veggie-Label – Status Quo in Different Countries in the EU and Potential for Germany
- Who buys directly from the farmer? – Target group analysis
- The market for food supplements in the EU
- Soy from Germany – Market potential and acceptance of cultivation among farmers
- Price perception of organically and regionally produced food in comparison
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Thomas Decker
- What do farmers think about the Fertiliser Ordinance? How is it being implemented?
- To what extent has digitalisation already found its way into agriculture?
- How are farmers preparing for the consequences of climate change?
- Volatile markets (e.g. grain, fertiliser, diesel): What strategies do farmers have?
- Mobility of the future: Which drive concepts do farmers want to use?
- What do farmers expect from their own future?
- Social farming: Another mainstay for farmers?
- Peatlands: Renaturalisation from an agricultural perspective
- Peatlands: Marketing opportunities for the growth (paludicultures)
- Apps in agriculture: How are they used? And why?
- Microplastics in the soil: Awareness in agriculture
- Forest or game animals? Views of hunters and / or farmers
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Johannes Buchner M.Sc.
- What significance and impact do animal husbandry labels on food have on consumers and farmers?
- Acceptance behaviour of farmers in general (literature review)
- Acceptance of farmers regarding alternative drive technologies (literature review)
Market research and marketing in horticulture
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
- Garden types: Characterization of different types of gardens and their owners
- Consumer assessments of non-marketable fruit and vegetables
- Market analysis for non-plant segments of the garden market in Germany (e.g. seeds, plant treatment products, substrates and soils, machinery, furniture and furnishings, “seasonal markets”)
- Situation and perspectives of organic horticulture in Germany
- FairTrade young plants – market and acceptance by producers
- Willingness to pay for FairTrade bedding and balcony plants
- Design of marketing measures for individual club varieties of apples – a state-of-the-art analysis
- Possibilities of transferring “club varieties” for other products (fruit, vegetables)
- Opportunities and problems with direct sales of different horticultural products (ornamental plants, vegetables, fruit, etc.)
- Characterization of customers for floristry/cut flowers (e.g. lifestyle-oriented characterization)
- How do consumers deal with plants? Motivation, knowledge, actions
- Quantification of the market for professional interior greening in Germany (B2B)
- Interior greening in Germany: A market overview
- Attitude and significance of indoor greening for corporate customers (and their decision-makers)
- Development of the market for ornamental plants in Germany and the Netherlands over the last 30 years – an overview
- Faire Rosen im LEH: Concepts, actors, dissemination
- Horticulture in Eastern Europe (Romania/Bulgaria, CIS countries etc.)
- Multi-cultural and social differences in the purchase (or use) of plants and horticultural products and the resulting recommendations for action for an adapted marketing strategy (method: e.g. group discussion or oral interview)
- Life cycle analyses for horticultural products (especially ornamental plants, fruit, vegetables): methodology, example analyses, data
- Relevance of organically produced ornamental plants / perennials / woody plants from a consumer perspective
- Special promotions in the pricing policy for horticultural products: Special offers and reactions from competitors
- Studies on the quality definition of ornamental plants from a consumer perspective
- Investigations into the quality definition of fresh fruit in food retailing from the consumer’s point of view
- Marketing concepts for young plant producing companies – overview and potentials
- Consumer interest and awareness of various (young) plant concepts (e.g. Herbstzauber, etc.)
- Consumer perception of the origin of fresh vegetables and effects on purchasing behaviour
- Consumer Values – how values influence the purchase of plants!
- What does “sustainability” mean for buyers of ornamental plants?
- Importance of different ecologically or ethically motivated purchasing intentions for buyers of ornamental plants
- Peat-free, peat-reduced, organic soil: What demands does the end consumer have on a plant substrate?
- Who uses urban gardening and sharing in horticulture?
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein
- Increase biodiversity in the garden! What do consumers think?
- Saving water in the private garden? Is this an issue for private garden owners?
Energetic use of renewable raw materials / regenerative energies
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
- How do private owners of tiled stoves, pellet stoves or other individual firing systems view their supplementary heating?
- What is the image of wood pellets (e.g. owners of pellet heating systems compared to oil heating systems)?
- What factors determine the replacement of heating systems in rental housing?
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Thomas Decker
- How does the consumer want to be mobile in the future?
- Do supplementary heating systems have a chance in energy-efficient houses?
- What role do energy cooperatives play in the implementation of the energy transition?
- Motives for participation in energy cooperatives?
- Citizens’ interest in citizen loans to promote renewable energies or grid expansion
- Analysing different financing models in relation to wind power, PV,…
- Synthetic fuels – an option for private consumers or commercial users?
- Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): A model for the future?
- Hydropower / PV / geothermal energy / wind power / biogas – development in selected countries
- Heat pumps / solar thermal energy / wood combustion – development in selected countries
- Biofuel / e-mobility – development in selected countries
- Increasing fuel prices: How do consumers feel about the energy transition?
- Plug-in PV systems: market analysis & consumer acceptance
- Solar tiles – opportunities & possibilities
- Private PV systems for own electricity consumption – market development
- Political measures to support renewable energy
Material use of renewable raw materials
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
- Preferences and motives for the purchase and use of organic cosmetics by women and men
- Standardisation: What framework conditions and standards do bioplastics need for larger market shares?
- Can bioplastics not replace conventional plastics or are there other reasons for hesitation? An analysis of the problem of bioplastics vs. plastics under political and socio-economic aspects
- Current market analysis on bioplastics and plastics in Germany / Europe / World
- Are there perceptible individual benefits of bioplastics and plastics for the consumer?
- How do consumers see Wood Plastic Composites?
- How do users of e-cars see the interior of their vehicles?
- Do outdoor athletes particularly like/frequently use products made from renewable raw materials?
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein
- Political framework conditions for the material use of renewable resources in selected countries
- Acceptance of genetic engineering in the use of renewable raw materials for material use in the German population
- The use of renewable raw materials in textiles – market overview / consumer acceptance
- Microplastics in cosmetics – Knowledge of users of cosmetic products
- The cultivation of medicinal plants in Germany – a market overview
- willingness of private customers and industry to pay for various products made from renewable raw materials (e.g. biogenic lubricants, cosmetics, packaging materials)
- Plastics recycling versus plastics from renewable resources: Consumer acceptance
- The media discourse on bioplastics – possible effects on their acceptance
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Thomas Decker
- Clay – opportunities and applications in the building sector
- Building houses with beetle wood – opportunities and risks from the consumer’s point of view
Renewable Energies
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
- Are e-cars an opportunity for private users of photovoltaic systems after the abolition of the EEG subsidy?
- Are buyers of e-cars interested in the origin of their electricity?
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein
- Use of renewable energies in artisanal food businesses – possibilities for use in marketing
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Thomas Decker
- Analysis of the population’s acceptance of network expansion in Bavaria (examples of protests, citizens’ petitions, citizens’ initiatives etc.)
- What role do energy cooperatives play in implementing the energy system transformation?
- Motives for participation in energy cooperatives?
- Citizens’ interest in citizen loans to promote renewable energies or to expand the grid
- Comparative acceptance analysis for power lines (in Bavaria): Residents of hypothetical vs. actual power lines
- Latin America – Growth market for renewable energies?
- Analysis of various financing models in relation to wind power
- Electric mobility – mobility of the future? A consumer analysis
- The social rise of e-bikes
- Analysis of successful green communities
- Reasons for buying a specific heating system
- Renewable energies in the media
- Actionism or strategy? Political framework conditions for renewable energies
Energy Efficiency
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
- What is the interest in energy-saving measures in small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in view of the low energy prices?
- Are there rebound effects in the industry? How do managers deal with them?
- Are there rebound effects in the everyday office life of employees? What can you do about it?
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Thomas Decker
- Home Energy Management Systems: Status Quo
- Motivation and behaviour of buyers of smart house systems
- Comparison of energy-saving measures by tenants and landlords
- Educating children to save energy
- Saving energy – consumer knowledge
- How do consumers save energy?
- How do consumers save electricity?
- Energy savings in the rebound trap?
General topics
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
- Attitude towards sustainable consumption of selected products/product groups
- Supply and demand for sustainable consumption of selected products/product groups
- Rebound effect vs. sustainable consumption for selected products/product groups
- Lifestyle vs. sustainable consumption with selected products/product groups
- Environmental awareness and environmental behaviour at individual level
- Disadvantages of efficiency increases – How can rebound effects be reduced?
- Which policy measures can contribute to an increase in environmentally sound behaviour?
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein
- Reduction of their own CO2 footprint – What do consumers know about their own scope for action?
- Car-Sharing in urban and rural areas – Status-Quo and Potental
- CO2-reduced/sustainable consumption of selected products/product groups: City vs. country
- Analysis of selected existing data on different topics (suitable for small research internship
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Dr. Thomas Decker
- How do consumers deal with plastic packaging?
- How important are sustainability topics in social media channels?
- The role of social media / influencers in the energy transition
- Renewable raw materials, renewable energies, energy efficiency, agriculture…. In the media
- Prepping – who, why and what?
- What difficulties do consumers have when sorting and separating plastic packaging?
- Sector coupling – possibilities and areas of application
- Voting green and driving an SUV – how do they go together?
- Electric air taxis – opportunities & risks
- How does emissions trading work? Moreover, what are the benefits of emissions trading?
- How does climate change affect the health of the population?
- From politics to the real world: implementing measures to combat climate change
- Sufficiency: How does it work?
- Klimakleber (Climate stickers): What do citizens say?
- Is Generation Z acting in a climate-friendly way?
- What are local authorities doing to reduce the consequences of climate change?
- Which political system is most effective in combating climate change?
If you are interested in these topics, please contact Sebastian Gründig M.A.
- Relevant actors and middle-men in the construction industry: A qualitative study on the influence of third parties on the purchasing decisions of private builders