
Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Head of Professorship
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-200
- Email:
- klaus.menrad@hswt.de

Corinna Braun
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Team Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-202
- Email:
- corinna.braun@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/corinna-braun

Jasmin Schneider
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Team Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-201
- Email:
- jasmin.schneider@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/jasmin-schneider
Research Personnel

Dr. Thomas Decker
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-204
- Email:
- thomas.decker@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/thomas-decker

Dr. Agnes Emberger-Klein
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-212
- Email:
- agnes.emberger-klein@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/agnes-emberger-klein
Doctoral Candidates

Katrin Brückner, M.Sc.
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-205
- Email:
- katrin.brueckner@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/katrin-brueckner

Johannes Buchner, M.Sc.
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-203
- Email:
- johannes.buchner@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/johannes-buchner

Johannes B. Grote, M.Sc.
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-220
- Email:
- johannes.grote@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/johannes-grote
TUM Campus Straubing
Am Essigberg 3
94315 Straubing

Sebastian Gründig, M.A.
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-223
- Email:
- sebastian.gruendig@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/sebastian-gruendig

Tura Kaso Hamo, M.Sc.
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-214
- Email:
- tura.hamo@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/tura-kaso-hamo

Jonas Krauß, M.A.
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-210
- Email:
- jonas.krauss@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/jonas-krauss

Dipl.-Ing. Isabella Limbrunner
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-213
- Email:
- isabella.limbrunner@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/isabella-limbrunner

Phillip Olak, M.Sc.
Professorship Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Assistant
- Email:
- phillip.olak@hswt.de
- Website:
- https://www.hswt.de/person/phillip-olak
TUM Campus Straubing
Am Essigberg 3
94315 Straubing